Russian Federation
Connecting with Moscow’s Catholic Youth

This May, 100 young people, ages 16-30, participated in the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Meeting in Moscow, which centered on the theme: ?Master, what must I do to inherit everlasting life?? (Mk 10:17) The Daughters of St. Paul, represented by Sr. Roberta Hummel as official photographer and vocation witness, participated in the two-day event.
Archbishop Paul Pezzi accompanied the young people, whose itinerary consisted of prayer, presentations, group discussions and sports. Thanks to Vatican sponsorship, the FSPs of Moscow were able to give each of the participants the gift of the Pauline edition of the Liturgy of the Hours.
The books were given to the young people one by one after a solemn blessing at the conclusion of the Meeting. Our sisters say that the event was a profound experience of meeting Jesus in the hearts of young people eager to follow Him.