E-book of Prayers during Covid-19


In these days of quarantine, social desolation and terror triggered by news of the Covid-19 pandemic being broadcast by TV and the Internet, the Holy See is offering an aid to all believers in the form of a book entitled Forte nella tribolazione (Strong in Trials), available free of charge on the Vatican Publications website. Conceived and promoted by the Holy See’s Dicastery for Communication, the purpose of the text is to help people discover God’s closeness in a time in which pain, suffering, fear and loneliness seem to reign.

In addition to prayers, rites and supplications for difficult moments drawn from Christian tradition and the directives of Church authorities as to how to live the sacraments in this particular situation, a large part of the book is composed of the Pope’s morning reflections. The volume also includes the Angelus and various extraordinary interventions of Pope Francis on the theme of the virus starting from 9 March. Among these is his beautiful prayer in St. Peter’s Square on the occasion of his special Urbi et Orbi blessing.

The book, which is available only online and not in paper format, will be updated several times to enrich it with new content.

The volume can be downloaded by clicking here