Biblical journey with the Gospel according to Mark


The community of the Daughters of Saint Paul of Bucharest resumed, in the first months of this year 2024, a biblical formation journey for lay people already begun last year in collaboration with Fr. Luciano Dinca, Assumptionist priest and professor at the Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology of Bucharest.

The biblical journey with the Gospel according to Mark was enriched with the teachings of the Fathers of the Church, creating enthusiasm and a keen interest on the part of the participants.

This year the topic was developed in three stages: What is the Bible, Why read the Bible, How to read the Bible.

Each encounter was divided into three moments: content, the Eucharistic celebration and fraternity.

The biblical formation journey with the Gospel according to Mark reached its peak on Saturday, 25 May 2024. It was a day of grace, communion and sharing. For approximately two and a half hours, the Gospel according to Mark resonated, and was proclaimed by 22 readers among the participants in this biblical journey, who donated their voices with generosity and emotion to the proclamation of the Gospel. Christ, our Lord and Master, spoke to the participants with his Word, and warmed and moved their hearts through his Spirit.