Moving through life: Youth mission of the Pauline Family


«Is it possible that by running from one part of the city to another and enduring a very busy schedule, that one can find themselves? I cannot help asking myself this question since, having returned from a mission, what deeply remained in me was not the aftermath of tiredness but heart felt serenity.”

With these words Maria Cecilia describes her experience on this mission: Moving through Life.

What was this event? It is a popular mission on the Word of God carried out by the In the footsteps of Paul animation team of the Pauline Family with 13 young people from different areas of Italy, in Guardia Piemonte, the province of Cosenza, from the 18th to the 25th of August 2024.

The first part of the week embodied moments of reflection, prayer and formation. Retracing some episodes of the life of Saint Paul, fulfilling various activities and listening to some testimonies, we asked ourselves how to move through the moments of our lives, and we asked ourselves what it means to be a missionary.

In the second part of the week, we experienced the actual mission: we animated various moments of adoration, had sharings on the Gospels, and participated in activities and games for children, young people and adults. Above all we met people who perhaps wanted to encounter someone. Lucia writes: «Having a large heart means meeting and serving those brothers and sisters that the Lord places at my side, discovering that they are there waiting for me and there they will teach me to love».