The heart of the Pauline spirituality is Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life. Living in him, we enthusiastically proclaim his Gospel. Our spirituality is complete because it leads the whole person mind, will, heart, body and physical energies to God.
We are striving to reach the same goal as the Apostle Paul: "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me". To attain this objective, we draw light and support from the Eucharist, the Word of God, daily prayer and fraternal communion all of which give us the strength we need to carry out our many-faceted apostolate. They are also the fonts that help us discern the signs of the times so as to respond to the needs of the Church and world.
Modeling ourselves on Mary, whom we honor as the Queen of Apostles and of every apostolate, we bring Jesus to all humanity with great fervor, proclaiming the Truth that saves, the Way that leads to the Father, and his Life of grace.
Pauline devotions

St. Paul, Apostle

the inspirer and protector
of our apostolate
in all its dimensions.

Jesus Master,
Way, Truth and Life

at the center of everything,
the wellspring of our apostolate
and the “way” we carry out
the mandate entrusted
to us by God.

Queen of Apostles

whose very title indicates
her integral rapport
with our mission.

Blessed and Venerable of the Pauline Family
Blessed James Alberione
Becoming Him
The Christian mysticism
of Blessed James Alberione

The theme of the first of five meetings on the person and spirituality of Blessed James Alberione that Fr. Giuseppe Forlai will be guiding. The purpose of the encounters is to help more people get to know this modern apostle of communications–a farsighted man who was extremely attentive to the signs of the times.

Fr. Forlai used extracts from the writings of the Founder of the Pauline Family to sketch out the journey that all Christians should make their own, namely: to develop the gifts they received in Baptism to the point that they can say with St. Paul: “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.”




"La vita religiosa è una preparazione
al cielo per la vita comune,
nella osservanza della
Povertà, Castità, Obbedienza."  
G. Alberione