The Daughters of St. Paul, with a membership of 2,112 sisters and about 263 young women in formation, have a total of 220 communities scattered in 52 countries on all the world's continents.
The Institute's Generalate, located in Rome, is the residence of the Superior General and her General Council. The Superior General guides the Congregation in such a way as to enable it to carry out its mission of proclaiming the Gospel in the vast areopagus of communications. The 6 General Councilors, who represent the universal dimension of the Institute, collaborate in a direct way with the Superior General in her work of governing and animating the Institute's members.
Sr. Clarice Wisniewski
Sr. Anastasia Nduku Muindi
Sr. Micaela Pae
Sr. Bruna Fregni
Sr. Donna Giaimo
Sr. Shalimar Rubia
The Secretary General’s Office is the meeting point for the Institute’s General Government, circumscriptions, ecclesial and civil organizations. The office is in charge of the Institute’s archives, as well as its technical, translation and shipping departments.
The Bursar General's Office serves the General Government and all the Institute's circumscriptions by providing them with information in the economic sphere, by coordinating bookkeeping data and by teaching the sisters how to manage the Institute's temporal goods in harmony with its apostolic activities. The purpose of the office is to foster communion and a sharing of goods - an expression of Pauline poverty - among the members of the Congregation.
were set up by the General Government to help it carry out its service to the Congregation.
Each Secretariat is headed by a General Councilor.
International Secretariat for the Apostolate - SIA
SIA fosters the vitality and progress of the Pauline mission throughout the world. It coordinates, organizes and promotes the various aspects of the Institute’s apostolic situation through reflection, animation and apostolic formation aimed at improving the quality of our Pauline productions. It also fosters research, the assumption of new apostolic technologies and keeps in touch with various social communications organisms.
International Secretariat for Communications (SICOM)
is involved in animations and formation in the field of communication; it takes care of divulgating information about the Pauline life through the website, the Institute’s Facebook page and its information bulletin PaolineOnline. SICOM fosters communication, interchange and involvement both inside and outside the Institute; it provides the sisters with instruments and supplementary aids to help them remain open to change and to the new digital technologies. It also promotes the study, research and deepening of the various aspects of communication in relation to the Pauline charism.
SICOM is currently staffed by two sisters:
Sr Teresa Braccio e Sr Daniela Son.
International Secretariat for Formation – SIF
The purpose of SIF is to promote and improve the integral Pauline formation of the Institute’s members by fostering study and organizing animations. It helps us revitalize our specific vocation as communicators of the Gospel by coordinating initial and ongoing formation, and by promoting, organizing, coordinating and carrying out initiatives for the Institute’s vocation animators, formators, local superiors and young women in formation in particular. In performing this service, it strives to be attentive to the voice of the Spirit, the needs of the Church and our circumscriptions, and the challenges of modern society.
The Secretariat is staffed by: Sr Inocencia Tormon e Sr Felicita Teron.
International Secretariat for the Institute’s Charism and Spirituality – SIS
SIS offers the Daughters of St. Paul deeper studies in this area to foster their spiritual growth and provides them with instruments that can help them approach the texts of the Founder, of M. Thecla and the history of the Congregation in a critical way. It coordinates and animates initiatives programmed by the General Government in the sphere of spirituality and it collaborates with the PF in producing critical editions of Fr. Alberione’s Opera Omnia. With the help of an international team of FSPs, it is currently involved in a hermeneutical study of Maestra Thecla aimed at helping the Institute’s members come to a deeper understanding of her role as Mother of the Institute and collaborator of Blessed James Alberione in his foundation activities.
FSP Pauline Cooperators Sector
The FSP Pauline Cooperators Sector promotes the vocation and formation of the Cooperators who have the Daughters of St. Paul as their point of reference. The aim of the Sector is to study more profoundly the thought of the Founder concerning the vocation of the laity and to ensure that our circumscriptions implement the lines of action sketched out in the Formation Project for the Cooperators. In addition, the Sector facilitates and supports communication and a sharing of experiences among the various FSP Cooperator groups, provides them with texts on the charism and on the teachings of the Church that focus on the identity of the cooperator, and favors the exchange of other study aids.