Serving the Word with Universal Horizons

The course for our young FSP missionaries held in Rome from 15 September to 10 October has now concluded. Entitled, Serving the Word with Universal Horizons, the encounter was the fruit of the process of redesigning our presences, which has led to the reassignment of sisters from various circumscriptions to other countries.
The purpose of the course was to help the participants rediscover and reflect more profoundly on the foundations of mission and to make their own St. Paul’s declaration: “We to me if I do not evangelize!” Twenty-six sisters from all parts of the world gathered at the Generalate so as to grow together and set out for new horizons in service of the Word.
New communities, new countries, new cultures, new languages-all to be welcomed and loved through the generous and joyous gift of one’s life, concretized in the daily effort to sink one’s roots deep into the soil of a new land and make a contribution to the many seeds already sown there by God.