#BeHuman: Nobel Peace Laureates in the Vatican and Rome in the spirit of Fratelli Tutti


#BeHuman is the title of the event, in which experts from all over the world were seated at 12 different tables organized by theme to engage in fraternal dialogue on the most pressing issues of the contemporary world. On the morning of Friday, May 10, at the Chancery Palace, Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, opened the “Table for Peace,” participated by women, men and organizations awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, as well as human rights activists who have released a “Charter of Humanity” reinforcing existing charters on human rights.  Their roundtable discussion focused on the big question facing the world in this time of war and fear: “How and why do we want to live together?” Pope Francis attended the event on Saturday, May 11, participating in the roundtable on “Children: the Future Generation.”