News flashes

Even the Pope is on Twitter

The Pope will soon have his own Twitter account to use for his Sunday Angelus and the more important discourses, according to Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. An initial trial is already underway beginning with Lent. Through the account @pope2you, which was created to help young people get… Read more »

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Second Symposium of African and European Bishops

The Bishops of Africa and Europe will hold their Second Symposium from 13-17 February 2012, in Rome, Italy, on the theme: Evangelization Today: communion and pastoral collaboration between Africa and Europe. The human person and God: the Church’s mission to proclaim God’s presence and love. The Symposium, which was organized by the Symposium of Episcopal… Read more »

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Presentation of the Logo for WYD 2013

The organizing committee for World Youth Day 2013 (to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) has presented the event’s official logo. Depicted in green, blue and yellow–the colors of the Brazilian flag–the logo is in the shape of heart that encloses a silhouette of the statue of Christ the Redeemer that stands on Sugarloaf… Read more »

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“Toward Healing and Renewal”

International Symposium Against Child Abuse

Toward Healing and Renewal: this was the theme of the International Symposium Against Child Abuse held by the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy from 6-9 February 2012. The purpose of the Symposium was to help Episcopal and Religious Conferences draw up guidelines to protect children from sexual abuse by priests. The meeting fostered an exchange… Read more »

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“Voices of Bamako” Festival

Supporting Women's Rights

A whole galaxy of female artists and singers of West Africa are currently gathered in the capital of Mali for the Fifth Annual Voices of Bamako Festival (18-22 January)–a forum for celebrating African women and traditional African arts, as well as for discussing various topics related to women’s issues. The Festival, which was initiated by… Read more »

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E-book Revolution?

Scattered Advance in Europe

What is the future of publishing in the Internet age? Many people are asking themselves this question, in particular the publishers, book sellers and authors who will be participating in an international e-book conference, IfBookThen, to be held in Milan from 2-3 February. The encounter, which will be entirely in English, was organized by Bookrepublic,… Read more »

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“You shall not kill” at the Center of Jewish-Christian Dialogue

Never before has the world experienced so many contemporaneous acts of violence, leading to death and destruction everywhere. The widespread horrors being enacted in numerous parts of today’s world have roused the international community to denounce the dire situation, which shows no sign of diminishing. All appearances to the contrary, the commandment “You shall not… Read more »

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Doctors without Borders Celebrates Its 40th Birthday

This year Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is celebrating its 40th birthday. One of the world’s largest non-governmental organizations devoted to humanitarian aid, MSF was founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors, who were shocked by the situation of famine in Biafra and concluded that a new aid organization was needed that… Read more »

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Pastoral Recommendations for the Year of Faith

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has published a Note with pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI in his apostolic letter Porta Fidei (11 October 2011). The Year of Faith will begin on 11 October 2012, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Ecumenical Vatican… Read more »

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Pope’s Message for the World Day of Peace

Young people, do not yield to discouragement but continue to seek truth and justice

 In spite of problems, look to the future with hope, Pope Benedict XVI urges young people throughout the world in his message for the 45th World Day of Peace, which, in keeping with tradition, will be celebrated on 1 January. Focusing on the theme, Educating Young People in Justice and Peace, the Holy Father reaffirms… Read more »

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