News flashes

Share with gentleness the hope that is in your hearts (cf. 1Pt 3:15-16)

The theme of the upcoming World Communications Day draws attention to the fact that today too often communication is violent, aimed at striking and not at establishing the conditions for dialogue. It is therefore necessary to disarm communication, to cleanse it of aggression. From television talk shows to verbal wars on social networks, there is… Read more »

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Jubilee Pilgrims of hope

Spes non confundit, Hope does not disappoint is the title of the Bull of Indiction (proclamation) to the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 written by Pope Francis. The Holy Father’s opening greeting is original and beautiful, “to those who will read this letter, let hope fill their hearts.” It immediately explains the tenor and purpose of

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Giffoni Film Festival 2024

he 54th annual Giffoni Film Festival dedicated to children and youth cinema in the province of Salerno/Italy opened on Friday, 19 July, attracting many participants from every corner of the world. One hundred films were competing, and many guests arrived. The 5,000 “jurors” from 33 nations were the protagonists of this 54th international event which…

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World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly

On the fourth World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, celebrated on July 28th, Pope Francis invited us to stay close to older people and rediscover their precious contribution “in the family, in society and the Church.” From his @Pontifex account, the Holy Father urges us to stay close to older people: “By recognizing the… Read more »

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Trafficking and exploitation: over 12 million minors involved globally

Almost 50 million people in the world are victims of various forms of modern slavery. Of these, over 12 million are minors, forced mainly into slave labor – which includes sexual exploitation, work, and illegal activities, with forced marriages a growing trend. These data are reported in the XIV report Little Invisible Slaves Dossier by… Read more »

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Men and women awarded with the Fire Within Award

The Fire Within AwardWomen and men who change the world, was established by the Archdiocese of Milan and by Elikya, a social promotion association that has been operating in various areas of the civil and religious world since 2012. The winners of this third edition are: Fr. Claudio Burgio, founder and president of…

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World Book and Copyright Day

On 23 April, we celebrated World Book and Copyright Day, an event established by UNESCO in 1995 so as to promote reading and the protection of intellectual property. The origins of this event date back to 1923, when Valencian writer Vicente Clavel Andrés began to circulate the idea of dedicating one day of the year… Read more »

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Soul Festival: Celebrating the Marvels of Creation

From 13-17 March, the first edition of Soul: A Spirituality Festival was held in Milan, with the participation of many of the best-known protagonists from every cultural sphere: writers, philosophers, theologians, scholars, etc. Organized by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and the Archdiocese of Milan under the patronage of the Municipality of Milan…

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Communication and Synodality: Laboratory for a New Relationship

On 7 March 2024, personalities from the Holy See, journalists, and professors in this particular sector debated during a Webinar/Lab organized by a network of communicators and media professionals to explore the topic in the wake of the Pope’s magisterium. The last Synod opened the doors of the Church to create and facilitate laboratories. After… Read more »

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