Because you have prepared a “body for me” and it is not what we expected, thus, we need to learn to listen to the Body of Christ. I would like to shout out with freedom and joy to those who are still slaves to a thousand fears: the Divine took on flesh. And a body… Read more »
Third Sunday of Advent 2024
Abandon violence, do not mistreat life, never extort anything, for any reason, don’t take anything from anyone. Learn not to force life, let it come, let it flow, then smile gratefully and be amazed. Nothing is needed, nothing more than this, only life as it unfolds. I don’t want to do anything Lord, I will… Read more »
Second Sunday of Advent 2024
I thought I would find you in perfection, but instead I found you in the unborn parts of me. Where I don’t love like a man, where I don’t decide like a man, where I’m not free like a man. You wait for me, you take me by the hand, you dive with me into… Read more »
First Sunday of Advent 2024
I am the Expected one, You are waiting for me, You are waiting for me to finally decide to be born. This will happen you know, only at the end. The breath of death will be the true first definitive cry of the newborn, but in the meantime, You continue to wait for me. Advent… Read more »
Fourth Sunday of Advent 2023
To approach this Gospel passage silently is a basic precaution. One misplaced word is enough to undermine the perfection of the Annunciation, which is the perfect balance of Blood and Wind, Flesh and Spirit. The astonished blood of a young girl who feels loved by the gaze of the Wind she had known all her… Read more »
Third Sunday of Advent 2023
A VOICE crying out in the desert No, Nothing but a voice, trying to find the right ways to broaden the expectations of people’s hearts. A humble witness to the Messiah’s arrival. Someone who prepares the conditions for it. The baptism administered by John is a fitting rite to put words like death, light and… Read more »
Second Sunday of Advent 2023
The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God No, it is more than just a beginning, it is a Principle; it is Genesis, it is life that, in order to be vital and vibrant, must always start afresh. It means forever returning to the state of raw material, like clay that is… Read more »
First Sunday of Advent 2023
Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. No, we don’t know the mystery of when the time will come and that scares us. That’s why we live it with difficulty. Our thoughts often slip into the past and get lost there, allowing themselves to be bewitched by things that… Read more »
Fourth Sunday of Advent 2022
The unpredictable introduces amazing things into the fabric of an upright man’s daily existence. God, the Absolutely Unpredictable One, chooses the scandal of dwelling in a virgin and of disrupting Joseph’s sleep with divine visitations. Why he decides to enter the lives of the upright in startling ways remains a mystery. He bursts unpredictably into…
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They have arrested the independent one. They have forced the desert into a cage. They have deprived the sky of its nights. They have stifled his cry of hope. In short, they have arrested John the Baptist. A restless lion, a caged lion, confused, humble, lost–John is no longer the person he…
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