Letter of Superior general fsp

Christmas of the Lord 2023

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest sisters and young women in formation, As always, this year too I am captivated by the holy Night when the heavens opened above the shepherds guarding their flocks. However, this year, perhaps because of everything that is going on right now, I am particularly struck by the contrast in Luke’s narrative between the brilliant… Read more »

Solemnity of St. Paul Apostle

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters and young women in formation, As we celebrate today’s Solemnity, I hear addressed to each of us the Apostle Paul’s invitation to the Corinthians to strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts. To the members of that community, always on the lookout for new knowledge and experiences, he points out the best way …

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Easter 2023

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters and young women in formation, With great joy and renewed awe I greet you with the proclamation that grounds our faith, sustains our hope, and motivates our love: Christ is risen! He is truly risen! This proclamation makes us race ahead and gives wings to our heart…because it is impossible to contain the…

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70th anniversary of the pontifical approval of the Constitutions

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters, On March 15 we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the pontifical approval of the Constitutions and, therefore, of our Institute. With Maestra Thecla, we praise and thank the Lord “because, with the certainty that comes to us from the official recognition of the Church, we can say, ‘We are in the will of God…

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Christmas 2022

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters and young women in formation, Today our Advent pilgrimage – a time of pause and silence, in which to savor the “beatitude” of waiting for “greater, deeper, more delicate things…according to the divine law of germination, growth and development” – comes to an end in the heart of the night, in a region… Read more »

Centenary of the religious profession of Sr. Thecla Merlo and our first sisters

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest sisters, On 22 July, the Church invites us to celebrate the liturgical feast of Mary of Magdala, the disciple who, in the garden, sees, recognizes, witnesses to and proclaims the resurrection of Jesus. In her call to discipleship, which took place through her encounter with Jesus, who freed her from seven demons, a new ..

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Easter 2022

Letter of Sr. Anna Caiazza, Superior General

Dearest Sisters and young women in formation, During the Easter Vigil, the Exultet proclaims: “O night brighter than the day… O night that knows no darkness….” Ancient words that, since the first centuries of the Christian era, echo every year in all our churches. Words of poignant beauty that move us to tears. The night… Read more »