Letter of Superior general fsp

Feast of the Divine Master 2017

Letter of Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, Superior General

Dearest Sisters The Gospel for the Feast of Jesus Master, Year A, invites us to reflect on the last evening of Christ’s earthly life. In the so-called “Cenacle” or Upper Room of a house in Jerusalem, he performs the surprising gesture of washing the feet of his disciples–an act that even Jewish servants were not… Read more »

Letter St. Paul 2017

Rome, 29 June 2017 Opening of the Centenary of the Pauline Cooperators   To All the Sisters Dearest Sisters, This year, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul takes on a particular meaning for us because we are celebrating the Centenary of the Pauline Cooperators in the Church. In fact, on 29 June 1917, the… Read more »

Letter of Easter 2017

Dearest Sisters, Easter is an event of overwhelming power. It is a proclamation of beauty, the forecast of a luminous life that irradiates grace: Jesus is risen–he is alive!–and we can meet the Living One as he was met by the women who came to his tomb at dawn on the third day. Let us… Read more »

Letter of Christmas 2016

Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, Superior General

Dearest Sisters, During this Jubilee Year we experienced an extraordinary outpouring of grace and felt enwrapped in the mercy of the Father. …

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