
Toward the Synod on Young: People Listening by Way of the Internet

The big event is drawing nearer. The XV General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2018, will focus on contemporary youth. The Church wants to listen to the new generations. The Synod will be about young people, but when Pope Francis announced the event, he revealed that his intention was to make… Read more »

Online Identity, Relationships and Knowledge

Millions of people throughout the world use social networks. Many of the themes debated by the public revolve around issues connected to the Internet–from the loss of privacy to cyber-bullying, from fake news to the consequences of the Internet’s influence on democratic processes. By now we can see for ourselves that the Internet is an… Read more »

Easter 2018

Letter of Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, Superior General

To All the Sisters.  Dearest Sisters, Easter is here! Once again we feel invited into the garden where the Lord was buried. Like Mary Magdalene, we listen to his voice calling us. We see him and touch him. Longing for him to stay with us, we cry out with immense love: “Rabbouni…Master!” Let us allow… Read more »

Toward the 11th General Chapter: Letter of the Superior General

Rome, 28 February 2018 To the Circumscription Superiors, Superiors of Communities Dependent on the General Government and All the Sisters  Dear Sisters, I am writing to you during this “favorable time” of preparation for Easter and two weeks prior to 15 March 1953–the day on which we will be celebrating the 65th anniversary of pontifical… Read more »

Trust God

Letter of Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, Superior General

Dearest Sisters, Each year, the anniversary of Maestra Thecla’s “birth to heaven” finds us all united in remembering her in prayer and in the desire to imitate her docility to the will of God and great love for the Gospel. Little by little, as we penetrate her life more deeply–including through the many letters (over… Read more »

Message for the 52nd World Day of Communications

“The truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32): Fake News and Journalism for Peace: this is the theme of the 52nd World Day of Communications, which will be celebrated on 13 May 2018. In his Message, the Pope reflects on the need for correct information that rejects fake news and then goes on to analyze… Read more »

Developing Virtue in a Digital Society

  Virtue is a personal “device” that Michel Foucault would have included in what he called “technologies of the self.” But the concept of “device” should be understood according to the meaning attributed to it by this significant French philosopher. A device is not a contraption, an instrument, an electronic gadget. In the present context,… Read more »

Jerusalem: Loss and Recovery of the Word…

The Journey of the Word in Mary

After having moved through the streets of Nazareth in fresh, verdant Galilee, and from there journeyed south to Ain Karem and Bethlehem in dusty, sun-baked Judea, the travels of the Word come to a halt in Jerusalem (the Hebrew word Yerûšälaºim means “city of peace” and its Arabic counterpart, al-Quds, means “holy city”). The best… Read more »

Launching the preparations for our 11th General Chapter

Rome, 6 January 2018 To the Circumscription Superiors, Superiors of the Communities Dependent on the General Government and All the Sisters       Dear Sisters, Today we are celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany–the feast of “light and traveling.” Guided by the light of Christ, the Magi first make a stopover in Jerusalem. These… Read more »

Letter of Christmas 2017

Dearest Sisters, It’s Christmas! The joyous announcement resounds: “Today a Savior has been born to you: Christ the Lord” (Lk. 2:11). Mary settles him into a new grotto–that of our earth, our history, our hearts. He comes as salvation, as Emmanuel, God-with-us. We are a poor grotto, stripped bare and empty, but in it shines… Read more »