
Letter St. Paul 2017

Rome, 29 June 2017 Opening of the Centenary of the Pauline Cooperators   To All the Sisters Dearest Sisters, This year, the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul takes on a particular meaning for us because we are celebrating the Centenary of the Pauline Cooperators in the Church. In fact, on 29 June 1917, the… Read more »

Ain Karem: Beyond Familiar Boundaries…

The Journey of the Word in Mary

From the hills of Galilee, Mary heads south…. After having welcomed the Word wholeheartedly, she allows it to lead and accompany her. This is what the Word does when it is accepted: it fills us and accompanies us on our jour-ney through life. The angel of the Annunciation (Gabriel = “God is my strength”) greets… Read more »

World Communications Day 2017

This phrase, which encapsulates the heart of the Papal Message for the 51st World Communications Day (celebrated this year on 28 May), restores a central role to human beings and their capacity to choose between good and evil. Pope Francis urges us to act like millstones and “grind” the information we receive in a constructive… Read more »

Nazareth: Preserving the Word

The Journey of the Word in Mary

The journey of the Word begins among the rolling hills of Galilee, in the small and unremarkable village of Nazareth. How strange that the Old Testament never speaks about Nazareth, or at least that is how it seems at first glance. But if we take a closer look at the word “Nazareth,” we realize that… Read more »

The vocation is a treasure

The vocation, like faith itself, is a treasure that we carry in earthen vessels (cf. 2 Cor 4:7); therefore, we must safeguard it, as we safeguard the most precious things, so that no one robs us of this treasure, and so it does not lose its beauty with the passage of time. This care is… Read more »

Letter of Easter 2017

Dearest Sisters, Easter is an event of overwhelming power. It is a proclamation of beauty, the forecast of a luminous life that irradiates grace: Jesus is risen–he is alive!–and we can meet the Living One as he was met by the women who came to his tomb at dawn on the third day. Let us… Read more »