
Mercy Means Walking Together

Mercy is an elastic band. It reaches out to you and you, in turn, reach out to grasp it, but if you get distracted it eludes you. Mercy gazes at you and opens your heart. It is neither relative nor relativistic. It makes the most of new things but at the same time it respects… Read more »

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Thecla Merlo: A Woman who never “resisted” the Spirit

The Lord did what he wanted with her because as far as I could tell she never resisted his will. She placed her life completely in the hands of God, his will! She was faithful to spiritual direction from the very beginning–from the moment she entered [the Institute] to the moment the Lord called her… Read more »

The Moral Action of the Journalist

Human experience in the Bible teaches us that only those who know things interiorly are able to see. To see without knowing is simply to impose one’s personal point of view on others; it is the experience of those who use their power without converting it into service. To know without seeing is to live… Read more »

Letter of Christmas 2016

Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, Superior General

Dearest Sisters, During this Jubilee Year we experienced an extraordinary outpouring of grace and felt enwrapped in the mercy of the Father. …

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