
From the “Crowd of Solitudes” to the Technologies of Community

Usually, we think of the media–above all the digital and social media–from the perspective of a weakening of bonds. As André Caron and Letizia Caronia pointed out a few years ago in a good book: if two people go out to dinner and each one has their own cell phone, then in fact it is… Read more »

Entering into the Spirit of the Pact or Secret of Success

According to Fr. Alberione, the revelation of the Eucharistic Jesus to him on the night between the two centuries was decisive to understanding his vocation: “The night that divided the last century from the present one was crucial for the specific mission and particular spirit in which his future apostolate would come to light and… Read more »

Boys and girls…

Pope Francis 

Boys and girls, take charge of your cultures! Take charge of your roots! But do not stop there. From those roots, may you grow, flourish and bear fruit. A poet once said: “all the tree’s blossoms come from what lies beneath”. The Roots, but roots facing the future. Projected towards the future. This is the… Read more »

Social Webs: Not Cobwebs But Networks

From Like to Amen. The Message for the 53rd World Communications Day is a wake-up call that invites us to discard the logic of like and welcome the logic of the truth because relationships are not founded on emotions or ideals but on who a person truly is. “We are members one of another” (Eph…. Read more »

A Spirit of Faith

From the text: For a Spiritual Renewal (pp. 45-46)

From the text: For a Spiritual Renewal (pp. 45-46) This morning, through the intercession of St. Joseph, let us ask for an increase in faith, hope and charity. An increase in faith: to believe that the Lord has given us a mission and all the graces necessary to fulfill it. A faith to which we… Read more »

A Pact with The Lord

(From the Diary of Joseph T. Giaccardo)

  7 January 1919 Yesterday evening, our dear Father invited all of us to make a pact with the Lord–the same pact he himself had made: to study for one and to learn for four. During our meditation this morning, he re-emphasized the importance, foundations and conditions for this pact and once again invited us… Read more »

Easter 2019

Letter of Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, Superior General

Dearest Sisters, I think that these lines from a poetic composition by our sister, Sr. Annamaria Galliano, are a beautiful gift on this day of the Resurrection, in which the love of Christ possesses and envelops us (cf. 2 Co. 5:14), giving us wings of flame…. With love and tenderness, we would like to make… Read more »

But what use is it to fast…

But what use is it to fast and abstain from eating meat if with your wickedness all you do is to gnaw at your brother? What do you gain in God’s eyes from not eating your own food if later, acting unfairly, you snatch from their hands the food of the poor? Saint Gregory of… Read more »

Does the “digital person” really pay scant heed to the spirit?

The Internet is not like a system of water or gas lines. Nor is it a mass of cables, wires, tablets, cell phones and computers. It would be a mistake to identify the Internet and its use with the technological infrastructure that makes connection possible. Today the Web is, above all in its mobile form,… Read more »