Growing with the Word of God


The Daughters of St. Paul of Mumbai are guiding a Bible study course entitled Growing with the Word of God (GWG). The initiative, which is dense with meaning, was organized in response to Pope Francis’ invitation to our last General Chapter to get involved in biblical animation since biblical ministry is at the heart of our charism. The purpose of the course is to provide the members of the Province with ongoing formation in this field, aimed at their spiritual growth. The year-long certificate course is divided into twelve parts, held on the fourth Saturday of each month.

The overall response to the initiative, which began with 143 participants, has been very satisfactory. Unfortunately its schedule was interrupted by the coronavirus pandemic and the encounters could not continue. However, on 25 June 2022, GWG enthusiastically recommenced its itinerary with 103 participants. The organizers of the course hope to make it a regular and enriching educational offering for their sisters for a long time to come. In fact, they plan to extend its program for two more years on the themes: Encountering the Word of God in the Old Testament and Encountering the Word of God in the New Testament.

May Prima Maestra Thecla, who rejoiced over every new initiative of her daughters, bless the Province’s commitment to formation and proclamation.