From 8-11 September FSPs from Europe and Quebec, Canada involved in carrying out the Pauline apostolate via the Internet gathered at the Generalate in Rome for a meeting on the theme: Making a Home for Ourselves Online and the Use of Digital Technology: Crossmedia at the Service of Mission. Also participating in the encounter were our Junior Professed sisters from Europe.
The purpose of the meeting was to share with one another what online services are being carried out in each circumscription, reflect more deeply on the new digital instruments and languages, and see what forms of collaboration in this field can be implemented on the continental level.
The short but well-packed itinerary, which unfolded in a climate of mutual listening, helped the participants come to a keener awareness of the fact that, in order to be faithful to the Pauline charism, our presence on the Internet must be characterized by always greater responsibility and professional expertise. Never before have we had so many opportunities to disseminate the Gospel beyond our secure and well-known geographical boundaries!
Those interested in learning more about what took place during the meeting can click onto, where the talks and other resources have been posted.