FSPs Celebrate 50 Years in Peru

A jubilee is always a favorable time for looking back over the route traveled and for rereading the “salvation story” the Lord wrote through people and events.
The Daughters of St. Paul, who opened their first community in Peru in 1960, dedicated an entire year to celebrating their 50th anniversary of foundation in this country, commemorating the event through initiatives aimed at “recounting” the marvels accomplished by the Lord through the sisters who planted the seeds of the Pauline vocation there and those who developed it over the years.
The jubilee was also an opportunity for the Local Church to express its gratitude to our sisters for their valuable contribution to the work of evangelization through the instruments of communication.
Two especially significant awards the sisters received were: in January 2010, the Gold Medal of St. Toribio of Mogrovejo, and in October, the Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts Award in recognition of their efforts to promote human and Christian values in the sphere of social communications.
Faithful to their mission, the FSPs organized an International Congress (11-15 October 2010) on the theme, New Messianisms in Latin America, so as to make a contribution to study and reflection concerning these movements in the light of Jewish messianism and, above all, the Messianism of Jesus. Leading figures from the social, cultural and religious spheres participated in the event.
At the end of the Congress, the sisters awarded the “James Alberione Medal” to various institutes and individuals whose work has made a significant contribution to the field of social communications. The FSP Jubilee Year in Peru ended on 17 October with a solemn Mass celebrated by Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne in the Cathedral of Lima.