Dearest Sisters and young women in formation,
This year, too, Easter seems to have taken us by surprise. Indeed, as a human family, we feel that we are still immersed in the via crucis wrought by the pandemic, populated by hosts of brothers and sisters scourged or killed by the disease, and pierced by the pain of those who mourn the death of their loved ones. A via crucis that nevertheless bears in itself evident traces of Resurrection: in the tenacious struggle, imbued with charity, of doctors and healthcare workers; in the many “Cyrenians” who do their best to alleviate the cross of pain; in those whom the Spirit has guided to find, in record time, a vaccine capable of defeating this diabolical evil…
The new wind of the Resurrection penetrates this long “winter” and makes it fertile with hope; the breath of the Living One continues to nurture the breath of the world.
For this reason, with amazement and renewed gratitude let us joyfully allow the Easter proclamation to resound, in us and around us: “Christ is risen. He is truly risen!” And, enlightened by the Resurrection, let us allow ourselves “to be transformed by its power, so that also through us, in the world, the signs of death may give way to signs of life” (Pope Francis), writing into our days small gestures that nourish hope, sharing God’s dream of life and promoting all that fulfills it.
May it therefore be, dearest Sisters, “Easter resurrection every day” (Fr Alberione).
To this wish that, together with the sisters of the general government, I desire to extend to your families, collaborators and cooperators, friends and benefactors, I unite from the depths of my heart my and our “thanks” to each one of you for your affectionate, prayerful and supportive closeness.
With deep affection.
Sr. Anna Caiazza
and the Sisters of the General Government