With the aim of informing and training for an efficient and effective mission, collaborators and Daughters of St. Paul gathered at the Apostolic Center of Prior Velho, in Lisbon, to reflect, share ideas, and relaunch the apostolate through the seven bookstores of the Portuguese delegation.
The one-and-a-half-day meeting (February 15–16) was the first in a series of online sessions planned throughout the year to ensure continuity in the process of redesigning the apostolate—a priority assigned to the Delegation by the General Government during the fraternal visit of 2021.
The main theme, The Brick-and-Mortar (traditional) Bookstore in the Digital Age, proved to be very timely and, especially in an era marked by the crisis in the book industry and the exponential growth of digital media. Another key topic was that of Digital Marketing at the Service of Diffusion through the Bookstores, presented by the Paulinas Communication and Marketing team.
Additionally, participants showed great interest in the presentation of this year’s new editorial releases. The report on sales through external channels, delivered by the head of this apostolic sector, was also highly appreciated.
This meeting, dedicated to bookstore management and staff, included a reflection on economics and administrative management.
Before concluding, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share suggestions to support the ongoing revitalization of the bookstores, particularly through the Strategic Plan, which each bookstore will be tasked with developing in the coming months.
The meeting concluded with a profound moment of prayer and a group photo, leaving all participants with a sense of enrichment and renewed motivation for an ever more effective and efficient mission.