Jubilee Pilgrims of hope


Spes non confundit, Hope does not disappoint is the title of the Bull of Indiction (proclamation) to the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025 written by Pope Francis. The Holy Father’s opening greeting is original and beautiful, “to those who will read this letter, let hope fill their hearts.” It immediately explains the tenor and purpose of the letter, going beyond the formal norms for the Jubilee Year. It reads, “The coming Jubilee will be a Holy Year characterized by the hope that does not fade, our hope in God. May it also help us to rediscover the necessary trust in the Church as in society, in interpersonal relationships, in international relations, in the promotion of the dignity of every person, and respect for creation. May our believing witness be a leaven of genuine hope in the world, a proclamation of new heavens and a new earth, where we can dwell in justice and peace among peoples, convinced in the Lord’s promise: Hope does not disappoint. As of now, let us be attracted by hope and allow it to spread to those who desire it.”

The Jubilee Logo is very beautiful. It depicts four stylized figures representing humanity coming from the four corners of the earth. Each figure embraces the next to indicate the solidarity and brotherhood that can unite peoples. Note that the first figure is clinging to the cross. It is the sign of the faith they all embrace and the hope that can never be abandoned because we always need it, sometimes greatly.  The Pope will open St. Peter’s Holy Door on December 24 and close it on January 6, 2026.