We turn to you, Lord, in trust!
Son of God,
sent by the Father to the
men and women of every time
and of every part of the earth!
We call upon you through Mary,
your Mother and ours:
may the Church not lack in vocations,
especially those dedicated in a special way
to your Kingdom.
Jesus, only Saviour of mankind!
We pray to you for our brothers and sisters
who have answered “yes” to your call
to the priesthood, to the consecrated life
and to the missions.
May their lives be renewed day by day,
to become a living Gospel.
Merciful and holy Lord,
continue to send new labourers
into the harvest of your Kingdom!
Assist those whom you call to follow you in our day;
contemplating your face, may they respond with joy
to the wondrous mission that you entrust to them
for the good of your People and of all men and women.
You who are God and live and reign with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
(John Paul II)