Prayer asking the protection of Mary, Queen of Apostles


Mary, our dearest Mother, Teacher and Queen of Apostles,
our Founder, Blessed James Alberione,
entrusted the Pauline Family to you, asking you
to protect us from the dangers of war
so that we could continue
to proclaim your Son to the world.

Today a new cloud is enveloping many countries,
threatening and disorienting peoples and communities.
Help us to live this moment
in the light of Christian faith and hope.

Enlighten and protect the doctors and health-care personnel
who are battling this insidious enemy on the front lines
at the risk of their own safety.
Support and console the sick and their families.

Open our minds and hearts so that we can communicate,
with every means and language, messages of life
and appeals for effective solidarity.

Help us enter into the mystery of the Cross of Christ,
so as to share in the joy of his Resurrection. Amen.
