Romanian Edition of the Book Thecla Merlo

To reflect more deeply on Pope Benedict XVI’s message for World Communications Day, the Daughters of St. Paul of Bucharest organized a round-table discussion entitled, Communicating the Gospel in the Digital Era.

They also took advantage of this occasion to launch the Romanian edition of the book, Thecla Merlo: A Life at the Service of the Gospel, by Olga Ambrosi, translated into Romanian by Sr. Paula Burca, fsp.

Fr. Ioan Riba, spiritual director of the Sf. Iosif Catholic Theological Institute in Bucharest, guided the round-table discussion, and Sr. Paula was on hand for the presentation of the book.

In a climate of simplicity and friendship, the participants came to a deeper understanding of the great challenge facing Christians in today?s digital era, namely, to offer people the signs they need to recognize Christ.

In keeping with the example of Thecla Merlo, the FSPs feel the need to blaze new trails that will lead contemporary humanity to the Word of God. Typical of the Gospel, these paths focus special attention on those who are yearning for the Absolute and for the truth.