Pope Francis

The Communication

Pope Francis

Communication has the power to build bridges, to enable encounter and inclusion, and thus to enrich society. How beautiful it is when people select their words and actions with care, in the effort to avoid misunderstandings, to heal wounded memories and to build peace and harmony. Words can build bridges between individuals and within families,… Read more »

The Modern Media

Pope Francis

Today the modern media, which are an essential part of life for young people in particular, can be both a help and a hindrance to communication. The media can be a hindrance if they become a way to avoid listening to others, to evade physical contact, to fill up every moment of silence and rest. The… Read more »


Pope Francis

Forgiveness is itself a process of communication. When contrition is expressed and accepted, it becomes possible to restore and rebuild the communication which broke down. Pope Francis

Holy Spirit, memory of God

Pope Francis

Holy Spirit, memory of God free us from the paralysis of selfishness and awaken in us the desire to serve, to do good. Even worse than this crisis is the tragedy of squandering it by closing in on ourselves. Come, Holy Spirit: you are harmony; make us builders of unity. You always give yourself; grant… Read more »

The family: an environment in which we learn to communicate

Pope Francis

The family is not a subject of debate or a terrain for ideological skirmishes. Rather, it is an environment in which we learn to communicate in an experience of closeness, a setting where communication takes place, a“communicating community”. The family is a community which provides help, which celebrates life and is fruitful. Once we realize…

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Pope Francis

Hope is the humblest of virtues, for it remains hidden in the recesses of life; yet it is like the yeast that leavens all the dough. We nurture it by reading ever anew the Gospel, “reprinted” in so many editions in the lives of the saints who became icons of God’s love in this world…. Read more »


Pope Francis

  By virtue of our being created in the image and likeness of God who is communion and communication-of-Self, we carry forever in our hearts the longing for living in communion, for belonging to a community. “Nothing, in fact, is as specific to our nature as entering into a relationship one with another, having need… Read more »

Boys and girls…

Pope Francis 

Boys and girls, take charge of your cultures! Take charge of your roots! But do not stop there. From those roots, may you grow, flourish and bear fruit. A poet once said: “all the tree’s blossoms come from what lies beneath”. The Roots, but roots facing the future. Projected towards the future. This is the… Read more »

Water is an essential good …

Pope Francis

Water is an essential good for the balance of ecosystems and the survival of humankind, and it is necessary to manage it and to care for it so that it is not contaminated or lost. Pope Francis