The new Statute of the Pauline Cooperators in Kinshasa


The first two days of August, a group of Pauline Cooperators of the Daughters of Saint Paul, together with four members of the Pious Disciples of the Divine Master and a member of the Society of Saint Paul of Kinshasa, met to explore the content and journey through the new Statutes of the Pauline Cooperators, approved ad experimentum (2022 / 2027) by the Superiors General of the Pauline Family.

Alternating listening, personal reading, group work, sharing and prayer, the participants (22 people) rediscovered that being Pauline Cooperators is not a commitment like many others, but emerges from a specific call: it is a vocation in the Church. A vocation lived as brothers and sisters of the Pauline Family, within their specific vocation as lay people committed to the announcement of the Gospel in the world of social communication.

Immersing themselves in the text of the new Statutes, the group explored already established values, grasped new values, and applied and assumed still other values as a guide and handbook for their own vocation.

At the end of the two days, evaluating the work done, the participants were unanimous in feeling the joy and responsibility of the Pauline vocation lived as a lay person in the Pauline Family, noting that a new and rich path is opening up for the Pauline Cooperators as well as for our Congregations.