United States
A documentary film on the life of Blessed James Alberione


The Provincial Government of the Daughters of St. Paul of the United States of America has approved and prepared the script for a documentary on the life of the Founder of the Pauline Family: Blessed James Alberione.

The film is produced by the Daughters of St. Paulaolo in with Spirit Juice Studios, a young film production house whose central offices are in Chicago, and has already produced many religious and catechetical films. A trailer, 3 minutes long, for presentation of the project has been completed, which the Sisters see as a promotion piece and a launch for the actual film itself. Its purpose is to introduce and raise awareness of the message of the film.

The date when the film should be ready is 2014, the Centenary of the Foundation of the Pauline Family.

For more information on this project you can see the website: www.alberionefilm.com

The trailer can be viewed on the following link to the web page: