Back to Rome More Books More Freedom


The Measure of the World is the theme of More Books, More Freedom 2024. Measuring the world with words, numbers, steps, smiles, distances, colours, clouds, and dreams.

More Books, More Freedom is the National Fair for Small and Medium-sized Publishers, promoted and organized by the Italian Publishers Association. It takes place in Rome in December (4-8). It is the first Italian fair dedicated exclusively to independent publishing, where every year around 500 publishers from all over Italy present their latest releases and their catalogue to the public. There are over 650 events on industry topics.

The cultural program is the true heart of the fair: meetings with authors, readings, debates on current issues, initiatives to promote reading, music and live performances mark the five days of events in a continuous succession of activities for all tastes and for all ages.

Like every year, the Paulines were also present with a selection of their newest publications and catalogue. A rich display for Christmas was offered, for both young and old readers, as well as a series of activities within the rooms of the Congress Centre.
