Prompted by the Spirit, Fr. Alberione founded a number of Institutes between 1914 and 1959. Known as the Pauline Family, all are connected to one another by the same spirituality and by a profound bond of communion. Speaking about this intense relationship, our Founder said: "There is a strong family bond among us because we were all born from the Tabernacle. We all share the same spirit, namely: to live Jesus Christ and serve the Church."
The Pauline Family is made up of five religious Congregations, one Lay Association and four Secular Institutes.
five Religious Congregations
A religious Congregation dedicated to the dissemination of the Christian message in the world and culture of communications, utilizing all the technologies of communication, including the newest ones.
Website1915 - FSP
A Congregation of consecrated women religious who evangelize with the instruments of social communication. Present on all the worlds continents, the Daughters of St. Paul dedicate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel with the ardor of the Apostle Paul, from whom they take their name and missionary style.
The contemplative branch of the Pauline Family. Attentive to the needs of the Church, they carry in their hearts the universal dimension of the Pauline mission and communicate Jesus Master through an apostolate centered on the Eucharist, the Liturgy and service to priests.
Known as the Pastorelle Sisters, their work in the Church is to accompany the growth of the people of God through their collaboration with priests and all those who carry out pastoral ministries.
1959 - IMQA
The Apostoline Sisters, they fulfill a new and original mission in the Church, namely: to help young people perceive the call of God and to reinforce and invigorate that call, focusing special attention on the vocation to the priesthood and the various forms of the consecrated life.
four Institutes of Secular Consecrated Life
1960 - IGS
An Institute for diocesan clergy, its members are diocesan priests and bishops who want to live the religious life according to the evangelical counsels and a more profound spirituality. In view of this, they make their own the Pauline spirituality, collaborating with the proclamation of the Gospel in keeping with the charism of Fr. Alberione.
1960 - ISGA
The members of this Institute are lay men without any special signs to distinguish them as religious. Their mission is to live more intensively the call to be “salt” and “leaven” in today’s world, offering this witness to others in keeping with the ideals of the Pauline Family, which they strive to incarnate in their various work environments.
1960 - IMSA
An Institute for consecrated women, its members live their apostolic commitment within the framework of their daily lives. They strive to bring Jesus to every social context: homes, offices, businesses, schools, families, etc. They also make a significant contribution to the animation of communities and to the Pauline mission.
This Institute is made up of married couples who want to sanctify the married life according to their concrete situations. They live the evangelical counsels in keeping with their specific conditions. Their mission is to witness to the Gospel in harmony with the Pauline mission and spirituality.
Association of the Laity
1917 - APC
An association of the laity made up of adults and youth of both sexes who believe in the value of the Pauline charism and, while remaining in their own state in life, are united in spirit and works to the whole Pauline Family.